In episode 45 of "Hatim," the popular Indian fantasy TV series, Hatim continues his quest to defeat the evil sorcerer Zargam and his accomplice Nazrul. The episode features Hatim facing various challenges and enemies as he strives to protect the innocent and uphold justice. Specific details of the episode include encounters with magical creatures, battles with dark forces, and the unfolding of plot twists that contribute to the overall storyline of Hatim's journey. Each episode typically blends action, adventure, and fantasy elements, maintaining the show's appeal to its audience.
In This Video hatim and hobo went to their home, on the way Dajjal Attack them by Fire But Badshah Parestan save them by his magic. Badshah Parestan & Badshah Yaman prepare their army against dajjal.Hobo prevent the hatim to go Dajjal Mahal because he knows that hatim will be Died in Dajjal Mahal But Hatim insist to go and want to fight with Dajjal.
Hatim Episode - 45 (Part 1) Watch Full Episode